How Your Fist Form reveals significant information about you.


creative fist

3. Creative fist

You are likely an introvert if you clench your fist with your thumb inside all the fingers. Introverts tend to enjoy spending time by themselves and often keep their thoughts or feelings private.

You are willing to spend money on a company you believe in. You are innovative, coming up with new ideas that others don’t think of. You are most likely to connect with people who share your values. You can be a very empathetic person.

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a young person drawing

You are not the type who takes center stage and speaks constantly. You prefer to listen to others, so you can show them empathy when they need it most. You are not a fan of people who brag or boast about themselves. You dislike drama and gossiping as well—and when someone causes trouble for you, you will make it clear to them that their actions were unacceptable. You are friendly, confident, and expressive. Your friends appreciate your candor.

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