The stray dog
A street dog was looking at him with wet eyes and a gurgling stomach. He tried to chase him away, but the dog didn’t move.
For Hyundai Merson manager Mariano, seeing homeless animals straying the streets was not a surprise. There were so many dogs in Brazil that they had an unofficial name: “pets”.
Mostly, he ignored the dogs’ wide-opened eyes and their groaning for the food. To others, this could have made him seem heartless.
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The reality was much more confounding. Mariano had only empathy for these creatures. However, he had already adopted two of them, and that was all he could afford. With over 30 million others, he was on the edge of how he could help. So when a wet, shivering dog stood on the steps of the car dealership, he was perplexed. If he fed the dog, it would stay. He especially was worried that the dog would be aggressive towards anyone trying to get inside, or at least disturb him.