The Man’s Best Friend: WD-40


3/20 Silver Polish

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Are your collections of silver properties tarnishing away? Do you hate having corroded or rusted silver properties? Then WD-40 is definitely a solution for you. Simply spray over your silver properties with WD-40 and wipe it clean with a dry soft cloth. This helps to prevent rusting in silver and also removes other stains thereby leaving your properties shining and the sparkling of your silver will be replenished without ifs and buts.

4/20 Toilet Cleaning

Why spend so much money on expensive toilet cleaners, when all you need is WD-40. Because of its high cleansing properties, WD-40 is an easy spray to deal with when it comes to cleaning stubborn stains in your toilet. Just spray WD-40 o the area you want to clean, then scrub and rinse, and there you have your spotless and sparkling toilet.

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