16 Foods That Do Not Belong In The Refrigerator




As soon as watermelons are picked, they stop ripening. So refrigeration or room temperature has no effect on the ripening process. However, studies show that storing watermelon in the fridge may negatively impact its nutritional value. At 55 degrees, watermelons will retain more antioxidants for 14-21 days. After they are cut, they can be put in a zip-lock bag and stored in the fridge. Notwithstanding, they should be consumed between 2 to 3 days.


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Bread in general, is not something that should be kept uneaten for too long. Keeping bread for too long in the house will cause it to go stale and become dense. So, how else can bread be preserved? Well, refrigeration is not an option because the bread will go stale faster and lose its taste if kept in the fridge. However, bread can be kept frozen. But, instead of leaving it to thaw out, toasting or microwaving will be a better option.

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