Unusual animal bonding in the village – farmers were shocked!


This is an unusual occurrence between a dangerous animal and a horse. Unusual events like this are very rare to come by and could be mistaken for folklore. Science is yet to fully understand the behavioral patterns of all the animals in the animal kingdom. Ready and find out the story!

Encounter with the lynx


A farmer in Siberia had seen a lynx enter his property one night. Lynxes were known to be ruthless—they render their victims helpless with one swift bite and a snap to the neck. He was very worried and scared for the safety of his family. The farmer also had horses and other small animals. So, he stood guard until the Lynx left a few hours later. The farmer went in haste to check on his animals. He found them safe and unharmed, it was almost like the lynx never came.

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 The farmer found the lynx’s behaviour very strange. The farmer was wary of its mission on his property so it sought to find out. Like every other night, the lynx visited. The farmer was astonished at what he saw next. Go to next page to find out!

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