They left a dog in the lion cage – what happened next shocked everyone


With their super strength that can go as fast as 80km/h, these speedy cats chase their prey and go on at it like their life depends on it(it does anyway, no food means starvation, oops..!). If they get close enough to the prey, which they usually do, the lion will swoop down on it or attempt to knock it down and finally slam the victims’ heads against the wall or choke it to death with their teeth clamped around its throats(pretty brutal and badass right, we know). Now, with that inborn instinct of a fierce lion, Savannah started to follow the innocent dog around within the cage.

lion with mouth open

As usual, no trespasser should outdo himself in a lion’s territory expecting to come out unscathed, and so when Savannah got closer and closer to the dog, we knew death was impending on the poor creature. This setting was not in a zoo, but a cage didn’t seem like it would make any difference. So what eventually took the suspecting zoo visitors by surprise?

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lion sitting on sand

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