Doing this just 2 minutes a day is enough – the result is amazing


The pressure point of the valley!

the valley pressure point

There are several different pressure points on the hands. The most important is the “valley point”. It is mostly used in oriental medicine for stimulating the body. Check out how to do it:

Step 1: Place your thumb against the valley point in the center of your palm.

Step 2: Press/massage using circular motions with your thumb. Use firmness, but not to the point of causing pain.

Step 3: Do this for two minutes. If possible, use a stopwatch to repeat the process every day.

What are the benefits of valley pressure points?

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valley pressure point

You’ve read here that pressure points spread energy throughout the body and therefore help fight disease and discomfort, but each pressure point has a specific result. For example, places on your body where the stimulus is most focused. A daily stimulation at the valley pressure point primarily focuses on reducing stress and migraine. In addition, it also reduces pain in the teeth, shoulders and neck regions.

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