Unusual animal bonding in the village – farmers were shocked!


The lynx’s unusual behavior

horse and lynx

What he saw that night went against everything he knew and believed about predators. He told his family of this strange visit. The news reached the village as well. Local authorities got wind of the villagers’ gist of the strange visit but dismissed it as a joke. The news persisted, and soon the authorities were curious to ascertain if the news spreading like wildfire was indeed true. The farmer shared the details of his observations. The Lynx will visit every night at 9.30 pm and leave after an hour or two.

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Lynx curled up next to the horse

The wife also confirmed the story of her husband, the farmer. The lynx will come every night to cuddle and spend time with one of the farmer’s horses. The story was still considered strange and impossible, but there was video evidence. The lynx missed its mother and was craving a nurturing presence. The farmer will find the Lynx curled up next to the horse. It didn’t hurt any of the other bulls. But, they still fled in fear when it came around. The horse didn’t seem to mind its presence. It will lick the Lynx when it curls up next to it and the it will purr. Then run its nose at the horse.

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