Obese owl put on diet: a unique rescue story


The harsh winters and modern cities can make life tough for a wild animal, especially when they get lost and are outside their natural habitat for too long. Animal sanctuaries are inundated with animals in desperate need of help, especially during the winter season. However, recently, a wild animal was brought to a sanctuary for a very different reason.


An Unusual Guest at the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary

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The Suffolk Owl Sanctuary is a refuge for owls in Eastern England. While they have received various injured animals, they have never been brought an obese owl before. One day, a member of the public found a small owl in a hedge that was soaking wet and appeared to be struggling. The concerned individual brought it into a local sanctuary, and after a thorough check-up, they found out that it was not injured at all. The sanctuary staff was surprised to find out that the little owl was unable to fly, not because of an injury, but because it was too fat.

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