Essential Items You Should Always Carry In Your Handbag




Okay, we’re not saying you need to carry a fully stocked first aid kit everywhere you go, although it is always handy. However, we recommend that you carry a few useful tablets such as painkillers, antihistamines, and even anti-diarrhoea pills. You never know if you or someone else might just need these. We all know there’s nothing worse than having the misfortune of being stuck with a nasty headache and not having anything to relieve the pain. Additionally, for people who are taking prescription medication, it’s a good idea to keep those with you too.

A Small Pack Of Tissues

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essential items to have in your handbag

Even if you don’t have any allergies, a pack of tissues will also come in handy. Whether it’s to clean a runny nose, a nasty food spill, or simply to wipe your hands, these are definitely a must-have in your handbag. Besides, even if you don’t use it for any of these things, it’s best to be safe than sorry. So many people actually underestimate how useful tissues really are. Take our advice and thank us later.

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