Warm Up Your Old Toothbrush With a Lighter – The Reason Is Very Ingenious!


Don’t want to use your toothbrush only as a hand brush or dust cloth? Then you can also add toothpaste to this procedure for a more lasting effect. Toothpaste disinfects the floor, degreases it and leaves a protective layer. In addition, all dirt sticks to this slippery substance. Then all you have to do is delete it like that!

That is why toothpaste is a versatile substance. Be careful, because you can do a lot more with toothpaste than you think. It is much more effective at housework than it is on your teeth.

What do I mean with this? You can see it on the next page!

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It can happen to all of us: Chewing gum sticking to the hair! Fortunately, toothpaste makes it easier to scrub. Put the paste on the gum stain and rub it. You can’t imagine how many times this method has prevented my children’s hair from being cut.

Dirty mirrors, windows full of bird droppings and rain stains. Try combining toothpaste with washing powder. These two components create the highest effect in powerful cleaning for windows and other glass surfaces. It also provides a protective layer that is not found in supermarket products.

Think beyond your home. Your car can also benefit from the effects of toothpaste…

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