17 Game Of Thrones Secrets Every Fan Should Know


9. From battle for role to battle on screen

from battle for role to battle on screen

Iwan Rheon and Kit Harington actually battled for the role of Jon Snow. The producers reveal that Rheon was to take the role but they eventually casted Harington. Thank goodness for that. Rheon fit so perfectly in his Ramsay Bolton role. It’s hard to imagine him as a Jon Snow. Well, he’s such a great actor so, who knows?

10. Who made the most hated character?

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who made the most hated character
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For a second there, we thought King Joffrey. Then, we thought Ramsay Bolton. But, no! Cersei made it! Lena Headey is such a great actor. She definitely metamorphosed in her role. So unpredictable and unrivaled. You never know what wicked act of hers is next. Therefore, she definitely merits the ‘most hated character’ title.

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