Lose Weight Naturally With These 16 Bedtime Drinks


11/16 Cherry Juice

Cherry Juice
Medical News Today

Good news, folks. Cherries made our list. You can officially gorge yourself on the delicious treat and not feel a hint of guilt. Try drinking your cherries! Cherry juice is a great bedtime weight loss drink for its high melatonin (sleep hormone) content and antioxidant properties. Cherries are also incredibly low in calories and high in water so help flush the system. Add a drop of vanilla to help sooth your senses before bedtime.

12/16 Golden Milk

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Golden Milk
Arizona Wellness Medicine

Finally, a warm milky drink on our weight loss list. Golden milk is an up and coming bed time beverage. And for good reason! There are many variations of golden milk, but the basic ingredients are coconut or almond milk, turmeric, nutmeg, ginger, and honey. All of these ingredients have a multitude of health benefits. Honey and ginger help in speeding up the metabolism, while turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The whole concoction is the perfect recipe for drifting off into a tranquil slumber.

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