20 Shocking Celebrity Transformations


5/20 Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks before after

America’s Next Top Model host and longtime model herself is next on our list of shocking celebrity transformations. Except, we especially like how Tyra reacted to the media when “unflattering ” photos leaked of her. “Kiss my fat a**”, she said. Well said Tyra. Even though the model isn’t stick thin like she used to be, we still think she’s flawless!

6/20 Anna Nicole Smith

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Anna Nicole Smith
ABC News

Anna Nicole Smith was known for her perfect body, Playboy status, and playful personality. Even though we lost her some time ago (and miss her dearly!), her fluctuating weight still remains one of the most shocking. While she remained beautiful at any weight, fans and family alike became concerned. She would fluctuate between 140 and 240 over the years and lost about 80 pounds before her tragic death in 2007.

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